5.5 Keyword Placement

| Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It shouldn’t really matter where you put your keywords, should it? As long asthe right words are on the right page in the right amount of numbers, thatshould be enough to get you relevant ads, right?
One of the strangest results that people have had using AdSense is thatputting keywords in particular places on the page can have an effect on theads the site gets.
In my experience, the most important place on your webpage isdirectly beneath the AdSense box. The keywords you place there couldinfluence your ads.
For example, mentioning clowns in the space directly beneath the AdSensebox could give you ads about circuses and red noses!
Keeping that in mind, you could play with your ads in all sorts of ways. If youhad a site about camping for example, you might find that you’re getting lotsof ads about tents and sleeping bags, which would be fine. But if you alsowanted to make sure that one or two of your ads were about Yosemite ormobile homes, then mentioning those keywords once or twice on the pagedirectly below the AdSense box could give you ads for sites with that sort ofcontent too.
Bear in mind though that you’ll often find that you get ads that try tocombine the main thrust of your site with the words in that keyword spacebelow the ad box. So if you had a site about gardening and you mentioned“cabbages” beneath the ad box, you’re more likely to get ads about growingcabbages than ads about cabbage recipes.
Experimenting with the placement of the keywords could allow you to controlat least one or two of the ads you receive and help keep them varied. That’sdefinitely something to try.


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